

Second Trimester

You will be happy to hear that the sickness and tiredness associated with early pregnancy usually subsides during the second trimester. If this doesn't happen overnight then do not worry; it doesn't mean that you will have morning sickness until the day you deliver, or that anything is wrong. All pregnancies are different and you may find that you begin to feel better by week 16 or 20. If your side effects are getting too difficult to cope with, make an appointment to see your GP or midwife as they may be able to help you.

Most women start to see the development of what people call the 'bump' towards the end of the second trimester, making it harder to keep your pregnancy a secret if that is what you have chosen to do. During this time, you will probably begin to feel your baby moving which is another exciting step in the development of your baby.

What you should be doing:

By now you should be booked in for routine tests and ultrasounds. If you have any concerns about the timings of these or what they are for then see our antenatal care section which gives you more information.

At this point during your pregnancy, you can usually find out the sex of your baby (provided your hospital provides this service). Many people prefer to keep this a surprise but there is a growing trend for getting the news early. You can also start to think about where you would like to have your baby. Your midwife will talk you through your options, but you can also see our section on Where to Have Your Baby for more information.

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This internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional.