
Pregnancy News

Tired of Waiting for Your Baby?

Friday 2nd of March 2012  |  Category: Pregnancy News  |  Written by:

When you're a mum to be, you'll be anxiously crossing the days off until your due date, so it's bound to be frustrating when that date comes and goes yet your baby doesn't seem to want to come out into the big wide world.

Well there are a few tried and (kind of) tested ways of inducing your labour naturally. None of these have been scientifically proven and some can be said to bring on Braxton Hicks instead of real labour contractions, but if you're desperate then they might be worth a try! Also, many mothers swear by some of these techniques. If you're planning on naturally inducing your baby, make sure you get the go-ahead from your doctor or midwife beforehand!

Certain foods have been known to start labour, especially spicy ones! This is thought to be because of the capsasins released in the spicy food which could encourage contractions. Spicy foods you could try include curries, burritos, spicy pizzas or chicken with hot sauce. Some fruits are also known to help labour along due to the enzymes they release which is said to soften the cervix. If you prefer fruit to spicy foods you could try eating pineapples, mangoes or kiwis to encourage your little one along!

Gentle exercise is also supposed to encourage contractions to start. This could be going for a short stroll, doing some housework, or even bouncing on a birthing ball. Probably one of the most well known remedies for a delayed labour is to have sex. TV programmes everywhere have made a joke about this natural remedy, and it's true that having sex whilst you're nine months pregnant can be tricky, but it's not impossible! Sex is thought to release oxytocin which could help start labour. Blowing up balloons is also thought to help labour due to the build up of abdominal pressure, (although I'm not sure about this one!)

Other, more controversial remedies include taking castor oil, (although this is said to cause diarrhoea as well as a more painful birth- eek!) eating raspberry leaf, acupuncture, taking herbal remedies such as blue cohosh, (always consult your doctor if you're thinking of taking herbal remedies as they can be very strong) and taking homeopathic remedies.

Oh and if you don't fancy anything else on the list then take note: nipple massaging is said to help bring on labour too! Finally, if you believe in tempting fate, make plans for every day in the week and your baby will be sure to come along and prevent them!

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