
Pregnancy News

A Week in the News - 4th July 2014

Friday 4th of July 2014  |  Category: Pregnancy News  |  Written by:

The World Cup has taken a slight break this week, and although it has undoubtedly been one of the most memorable in recent history I'm sure there are households across the country breathing a sigh of relief that there are no longer three matches on every single day. In the UK we've heard today from a radical Islamist interviewed on Radio 5 who claims he will never return to England until the 'black flag of Islam flies above Buckingham Palace' - it is a rather scary thought that we live in times where people can be so easily indoctrinated. Our focus moves onto the stories which caught our eye this week though.

Labour and Giving Birth in Unusual Places

A blog in the Telegraph this week looks at seven things the NHS doesn't tell you about giving birth and whilst this may be a lighthearted look at some of things which aren't top of the agenda when it comes to NHS advice the seven points are all important. In fact we also cover them on our own site For example doing pelvic floor exercises after you having given birth is really important, just as important as doing them before you give birth too! And whilst the ins and outs of the perenial massage might be something best explained in strictly medical terms, it is also something that can really help you. So whilst you might enjoy reading the blog, take some advice from it because it could be of a great benefit to you when it comes to actually giving birth and the months that follow.

You might also be expecting to give birth in a hospital or at home, and whilst that might be the best some people unexpectedly give birth in a car. Now I'm sure not all of us travel around with a photographer handy, but this is something that we see from time to time, where a mum-to-be simply doesn't have enough time to get to the hospital and have their baby. Giving birth in a car might not be quite the plan they had in mind, but thankfully both mum and daughter Matilda are both well and we all got to share their photos!


Fertility is something which we always seem to come back to, and always features in the news. A story in the Daily Mail claims that 90% of women would freeze their eggs in order to have a career first rather than have children at the perceived 'right time'. Is this something that you would agree with? Clearly this is a very personal decision but for 90% of women to agree in this survey then it seems like there is some sort of consensus - or has this figure really been pulled out of the air? The mums I know all seem very happy to have had children, whether that was at a young age, older age or at any age, is a career really something that 90% of women would put ahead of having children?

Finally this week a study in Denmark has suggested that parents who experience fertility problems could have a child with mental health issues. Despite these findings, it seems like the scientists behind the study can't actually explain what they have found. It is important to notice that this could be fertility problems affecting either parent, needless to say this is an interesting study but without definite information it is hard to see whether or not it the findings are genuine.

We'll be back next week with another look at the news!

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