
Pregnancy News

A Week in the News - 4th April 2014

Friday 4th of April 2014  |  Category: Pregnancy News  |  Written by:

With poor weather affecting the whole of the UK, and the TV weather warning you not to do any exercise outside this week you could be forgiven for thinking that we are living in the early 20th century again! Elsewhere there is the continuing search for flight MH 370, and the sad story in America where three people were shot dead at an army base. Needless to say there are many sad stories out there, but we move our focus onto the stories which caught our eye in the world of pregnancy and babies.

Older Mums and Probiotics

A story which featured in a variety of newspapers, including the Telegraph was the increase in mothers over the age of 50, which is concerning the government due to health fears. In 2012 154 babies were born to mothers who were 50 or older in the UK, which means rates have more than doubled in the last five years. The government is concerned that the health of both mothers and their unborn babies are at risk if the age of mothers continues to increase. They point at risks of ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages, and genetic defects in babies. Do you think that this is something that we should be concerned about in our country, or is this simply the choice of the mother?

According to a feature in the Daily Mail probiotics do not help to ease colic. A study looking at over 160 babies found that giving babies drops of probiotics to help ease colic has no positive effect and that there is no reason to give it to your child. It is hard to see whether or not a study on such a limited sample could be accurate, and you may find that your child does react positively when given drops of probiotics. Do you think they are worth using, or does this study hold some value?

Saving a life and Eating to get Pregnant

One mother has had her life saved by giving birth. Ms. Roberts was told throughout her pregnancy that her breathlessness during pregnancy was related to asthma, but after giving birth she suffered a heart attack. Doctors then realised that she was suffering from a severely damaged valve in her heart, which consequently they managed to remedy. Stories like this show us how important our surgeons and doctors can be, and how the NHS can provide us with vital support at the right times. Hopefully both mum and baby will enjoy many happy years together now.

Finally this week a story in the Telegraph has suggested that having a few drinks will help you conceive easier. A study from Ohio University argues that stress plays a big part in conception, and having a glass of wine (or two) might help you to relax and conceive. What do you think, does this really have any truth in reality?

See you next week!

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