
Pregnancy News

A Week in the News - 25th October 2013

Friday 25th of October 2013  |  Category: Pregnancy News  |  Written by:

This week the news has continued to feature the rise in energy prices which is going to affect all of us. 10% rises across the board seem to be the vogue, and as the country continues to recover from the financial crisis is this really appropriate? Of course another huge event this week was the christening of Prince George which we will look at shortly. Thus our focus moves towards pregnancy and babies and what caught our eye this week.

Lazy mums, Pink or Blue and A Supermarket

In a report on the Daily Mail there was a claim that stay-at-home mums were seen as lazy by others. I think most people would see this as a ludicrous suggestion, as caring for children especially those who are very young is more than a full time job in its own right. Apparently 'motherism' is rife though, is it something that you have experienced? The research suggested that stay-at-home mums are seen as lazy and stupid, when surely the reality is far from that.

An interesting study in the Telegraph looked at whether baby brains really do like blue when they're a boy, or pink if they're a girl. Whilst the studies that are looked at in the article, one by Simon Baron-Cohen, the other by Cordelia Fine, are clealry at loggerheads with each other, it is interesting to discover how the brain can affect your personality or gender role. In simple terms the two studies are a case in nature or nuture, and we all know that debate could rage for many a social gathering.

I was shocked by a report on the BBC today which looked at how a mum was told her baby was too young to go shopping. Apparently the lady in question was approached by a member of staff who seemed to be innocently asking how her baby was, but was instead subjected to various judgements and was asked 'where the father was'. The mother has been apologised to by both the branch of Sainsbury's and also by the company itself - but this is absolutely ridiculous behaviour by the staff!

Prince George's Christening

Of course the main event this week was the christening of Prince George which was covered across the media (although the Independent paper version only had a brief comment many pages into the paper!). You can see how the christening was covered in The Mail, Telegraph, and on the BBC.

Over the rest of the week we were treated to many more reports on the christening, and whilst the BBC gave us access to some great pictures, the Telegraph also looked at how the news was covered across the country. I guess that's it for Prince George until he has his first girlfriend now, although I'm sure the papers will find plenty of excuses to feature him inbetween.

We'll be back next week with another look at the news, don't forget to follow us on @MumNetwork.

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