
Pregnancy News

A Week in the News - 23rd May 2014

Friday 23rd of May 2014  |  Category: Pregnancy News  |  Written by:

The week just past has seen us all vote in the European elections, and some of us given the chance to vote for local councils too. Whilst political opinion is always the cause of many a debate, there is no doubt that there has been a rise in the popularity of UKIP across the nation. Is this genuine or just a protest vote? It remains to be seen, but we're only a year away from a general election. We also heard the sad news this week of the crew of the Cheeki Rafiki, and whilst we hope they are found over the next 24 hours it is beginning to look unlikely. Lets have a look at what caught our eye in the world of pregnancy and babies this week though.

Depression, Sick Babies and Safe Countries

As reported across many news outlets this week, a study in Australia has revealed that a third of new mothers suffer some kind of depressive symptoms during the first four years of their childs life. In fact mothers are more likely to have these symptoms when their child turns four than at any other moment. Another report in the Telegraph looks at how mothers should be given support for more than a year, and why this is the case. Do you think that this is something that the NHS should be taking more care over? Depression can be a horrible illness, and is something that should be taken seriously, whether there are children involved or not, but if mothers can't rely on the health authorities for support where else can they turn?

A report on the BBC earlier this week looked at how people in China are struggling to cope with looking after sick babies because they simply can't afford the care. In some cases it is a case of either trying to cope with a seriously ill child at home, or handing over the care of that child to the state. Can you imagine the uproar in this country if this was the situation that lots of families faced? Perhaps this is one reason why people should seriously consider what is happening to the NHS and why it can not be allowed to be privatised.

A report in the Lancet covered by the Guardian has revealed the safest and most dangerous places in the world to give birth. Whilst this may not have a direct impact on us in the UK, it is interesting to see how having a child can be extremely dangerous in some parts of the world, whilst in others it can be as safe as possible.

Speaking Babies and Weird Photos

When did your baby begin speaking? How about two months old? Whilst this baby might not actually be talking, it's an interesting and cute video! Have you ever experienced anything like this with your own children? We've also seen a report on the strange pregnancy photo shoots that are cropping up around the world. Have you ever considered getting dressed up as a clown or being coated with rose petals? Perhaps not, but you can enjoy some of the stranger pictures if you click on that link!

See you next week, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!

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